Second largest producers of Eggs in India.

Mulpuri Poultries

The meteoric rise in the production of Poultry and the immense change brought about in terms of hygiene and standards in India are often attributed to the group's continued efforts in maintaining high levels of governance. Poultry was the group's maiden venture as a company in 1982. Starting with a mere 3000 birds, the facility now houses over 20 Lakh birds, not to mention being the second largest producer of eggs in the country.

Mulpuri Poultry is in fact a key player in the rise of Poultry as a sustainable business option, which started in the late 1980's. Due to the persistent efforts of the group along with other noteworthy agro giants, Poultry has risen by leaps and bounds as an industry that too with little support from the government. What was then a largely scattered and unregulated business has now grown into an industry, which stands 5th in the world egg production and 17th in poultry.

The group's Poultry division employs over 1000 people under its wing and is actively involved in several charitable and public welfare activities.